This, Not That

If you do not agree with me on these topics, please refrain from reading my blog…

Kidding. Please continue, because you are one of few readers. Hooray for varying opinions and subjectivity.

1) Spotify, not Pandora

WHY: You can build your own playlists and download entire albums at a time. You also have the option of purchasing an account with no advertisements on Spotify (ironic how I avoid those, seeing as that is the industry in which I’m trying to pursue a job).

2) Delta, not Southwest

WHY: Because I’m from Atlanta, and so is Delta. Plus, I’ve been flying with them since I was a fetus. Told you this would be subjective.

3) Google, not Bing

WHY: “I’m gonna Bing it,” said no one ever.

4) Apple, not Microsoft

WHY: iPhone, iPad, MacBook (Pro, Air, etc.) , iPod, Apple TV… do I need to go on?

5) Target, not Walmart

WHY: Refer to the related blog post on this subject.

6) Dick’s Sporting Goods, not Sports Authority

WHY: Maybe the store should be called “Lack of Inventory and Customer Service” Authority.

7) Disney World, not Six Flags

WHY: I hate roller coasters so much. Disney World has more variety in their rides. Also, it makes me feel like my only worry in the world is which ice cream flavor I should get, instead of which ride is going to send me flying into the air toward my inevitable death.

8) CVS, not Walgreens

WHY: Walgreens was the new kid on the block in my neighborhood growing up. I didn’t like it. The End.

9) Willy’s Mexicana Grill, not Moe’s Southwest Grill

WHY: My friends know how much I truly believe in this. It is a loyalty buried deep down in my soul stemming from the fact that a) Willy’s has better cheese dip and b) Willy’s has better everything else, too.

10) Domino’s, not Papa John’s

WHY: Garlic crust. C’mon.

11) Publix, not Kroger

WHY: “Where Shopping Is A Pleasure” (that’s what I need) vs. “Right Store. Right Price” (snore). Also, Publix subs cannot be beaten.

12) Nike, not Adidas

WHY: Girl moment: Nike shorts and Nike shoes are the best. Boy moment: Nike is endorsed by athletes like Michael Jordan, Rory McIlroy and Roger Federer.

13) TJ Maxx, not Marshall’s

WHY: I know they are basically the same store to most people, but in my opinion, TJ Maxx is far better organized and clean while also having better options.

14) Dove, not Secret

WHY: Dove makes deodorant, hair products AND soap. Boom.

15) AT&T, not Verizon

WHY: I’ve been an AT&T customer since I got my first cell phone, so yeah, this is obviously biased. Also, AT&T has the greatest cable service ever, otherwise known as U-Verse. I don’t see Verizon pulling out any stops for cable.

16) Coca-Cola, not Pepsi

WHY: If you need an explanation, shame on you.

17) Chick-fil-a, not [insert any other fast food chain]

WHY: Don’t get me wrong; I like many other fast food restaurants. However, Chick-fil-a invented the chicken sandwich and the chicken biscuit. Everyone else is a poser.

18) People Magazine, not Us Weekly

WHY: I have an inexplicable loyalty to and deep trust of People Magazine.

19) Ben & Jerry’s, not Haagen Dazs

WHY: One word: “core” – Google that word with Ben & Jerry’s. You’re welcome.

20) Amazon, not eBay

WHY: Amazon has the option of personally selling your x, y, and z just like eBay. But if you’re the buyer, you don’t have to have an occasional panic attack about a bid war with some 12 year old in Indonesia.

21) Instagram, not Facebook

WHY: I’m aware that Facebook now owns Instagram, but if you keep the two entities separate, Instagram is the clear winner. The only things people care about on Facebook, photos, are the only focus of Instagram. No more invitations to “like” a page dedicated to lamps.

22) Cinnamon Toast Crunch, not Golden Grahams

WHY: This is a clear rip-off. You’re not fooling anyone, GG.

23) Netflix, not Hulu Plus

WHY: Hulu Plus does not have its own various television series that have won Emmys.

24) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, not Jimmy Kimmel Live

WHY: Whoever says they do not want Jimmy Fallon to be their best friend, confidant, husband, partner, camp bunkmate, breakdancing rival, or personal thank you note writer is a liar. Plus, The Roots are incredible.

25) NFL, not NBA

WHY: The Atlanta Hawks have never inspired me to be interested in professional basketball. Granted, the Atlanta Falcons aren’t very motivating either. I guess this is a moot point.

That’s all I have. For now.

How Many Hours Have I Spent On Netflix?

Netflix knows it’s doing well. How? Because the phrase “binge-watching” has become more and more common in the every-day conversation.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am absurdly obsessed with television. Part of this stems from my love of popular culture (call me a stereotypical girl); part of this stems from my inexplicable need to feel in-the-know about the current entertainment landscape.

As a result of this strange mix of desire and necessity, I have watched an inordinate amount of TV shows. And it’s all thanks to Netflix. Well, mostly. Although I am the type of person who also follows along with current seasons airing, Netflix has allowed me to either a) catch up on shows so that I can start watching in real time or b) watch an entire series of a show if it has ended. At the risk of completely and utterly embarrassing myself, here are some shows that have taken over my life:

Friday Night Lights, Desperate Housewives, The Office, Parks and Recreation, Scandal, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, Breaking Bad, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Mad Men…

I won’t even mention shows on HBO or Showtime. The point is that Netflix identified the wants of the consumer and delivered with its fairly cheap streaming service of both television shows and movies. If you don’t have your own Netflix account, you’re using someone else’s. And now that you can watch Netflix on your Apple TV (not all of us are so lucky to have one), there is even more of an incentive to start your own account.

Do you have kids? There are plenty of children television shows and movies for them to enjoy. Like documentaries? There is an entire category dedicated to them. From musicals to foreign films, Netflix has something for everyone. Though let’s be honest, some of their categories rarely get any traffic. (Anime? Really?)

Netflix also changes what it offers in relation to what is happening in the world. Right now, you can log in and find a plethora of Halloween horror movies to get you prepared for fall. When Robin Williams passed away, Netflix added some of his most acclaimed movies to celebrate the actor’s life. At Christmastime, you can guarantee that there will be 20+ of your all-time favorite movies of the season.

I never want to know how many hours (ahem, probably days or weeks when you add it up) of my life I have spent binge-watching television shows and searching for new movies on Netflix. That is a testament to the company; it knows what the viewer wants to watch (even if the viewer him or herself doesn’t consciously know), and it delivers.

Apparently, the mail-in DVD service of Netflix has had its fair share of problems. My question is – who on earth is asking to be mailed a DVD? Have you heard of Redbox? Any cable provider’s on demand service? Maybe you deserve to have your DVD come a year later.

Happy binging.